Tuesday, November 8, 2022

221108 Woman's Work

There’s an old saying, a man works from sun to setting sun, but a woman’s work is never done.

There is a lot of truth in that today, as it was many years ago. Women are in the workforce and when they come home, they have cooking, cleaning, laundry and kids to take care of and it never ends.

I must admit that when I was a boy, mom did all that. I got married and Joyce took over that. I did help a little, but Joyce had her own way of doing things and I was as much in the way as I was helping. Now I live alone and I realize how much work there is to do. I don’t have a job, other than taking care of myself. Now I do the cooking, cleaning, laundry, make the bed, change the sheets, vacuum, sweep and mop the floors. It’s not easy and there is no satisfaction like there was when I worked on electronic devices, when I fixed something it stayed that way and I was happy. House work is different. I can sweep and mop the floors, but as soon as I finish and walk around again it’s already getting dirty, a little at first, but then it keeps building and it’s do it all over again. Cooking takes a chunk out of my day. I don't enjoy it and eating leads to more dish washing.

I am not complaining. I am reenforcing my point that a woman’s work is never done and now I understand that. What saddens me is mom and Joyce have both passed away and I have no way to thank them for all they did for me.

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