Friday, September 30, 2022

220930 Lessons Learned

Changes of fortune can strike at any time.

I’ve learned that my life can change in a heartbeat, as it did when Joyce took her last breath. Every time we get into a car and onto the highways or city streets we can be in a horrible collision that cripples or kills us. Airplanes are not as safe as they profess to be. Mass shootings can happen at any time, anywhere and they do. When everything important in your world seems to crash and burn, prayer is always an option and it works. I have found that to be true throughout my lifetime. A fire can ruin your day or take your life. A burglary can change your thinking for the rest of your life. It’s easier to forgive than to forget (“That is a big one”). We never know when the last time we will ever have sex occurs. We never know when our last day on earth happens. We never know when the last chance to tell someone we love them may be, so don’t wait to do that.

Old age happens to all who live long enough to enter that realm. Physical abilities diminish, aches and pains become a part of daily life. Short term memory seems to fall off a cliff and old long forgotten memories come to light once again. That seems to be a signal that we are entering the final phase of our existence. The final phase has no set time as to when the ending comes; we have to wait and see when it happens.

The only thing we have that cannot be taken away is our minds. Our minds may take a never ending vacation from reality, but the mind is still there. I have seen this many times in old folks homes, rest homes as companies who provide those services prefer to call them. If or when a parent is enduring a long painful road to the end of life, don’t hesitate or shy away from hospice services. Hospice provides an ending to all the aches and pains and suffering until the parent’s final moment.

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