Sunday, September 18, 2022

220918 YouTube

I never thought much about YouTube in the past.
Lately, YouTube has become my go to streaming service. If I can think of any song I want to listen to, I type in the title and viola! The song appears and most of the songs have videos with them and I see names and faces of the singers I enjoy. I can then save the song to a playlist and it is ready anytime I want to hear my personal playlist. It got even better when I discovered there are also movies to watch on YouTube. I can search and find the ones I want to watch. There are a few commercial breaks, but they are free to me after all and the commercials aren’t long and annoying like on other streaming services. At this time, I have no paid subscriptions so YouTube is a life saver. The movies I want to watch again can be put on my watch later playlist and I can rewatch them any time day or night. I can also search for more movies on YouTube.

As for paid subscriptions, I do sign up for them on occasion, watch the movies I want and when I run out of ones I want to see, I cancel my subscription and can then sign up for a different service. The beauty of this is I can always go back to any of those I had in the past and they are happy to see me again. One click and I am back in business.

I don’t feel like I am taking advantage of the system, but rather, getting the most I can for my money, without harming them in any way. Even with YouTube, while I don’t pay them directly, the commercials pay YouTube for the opportunity to sell me something. It seems to me that everyone wins in one way or another. There are a lot of independent people who post videos on YouTube and when they get enough subscribers they start to get paid. I don’t know who figured all of that out, but it works for all concerned and that is a good thing to me.

1 comment:

  1. and someone has done every project i need to do and made a video to tell me how not to do it. its nice to have other people make my mistakes for me.
