Sunday, August 28, 2022

220828 Routine

When I was 21, I thought I knew everything.

At 77, I realize I know almost nothing of significant value these days.

The world has changed and continues to change at a rapid pace.

Technology changes every day and I don’t keep up with it.

Yet somehow I survive.

I live like a monk most of the time.

I sit in my little cave and ponder the mysteries of life.

I welcome any guests that stop in and enjoy their visits.

When my guests leave, I go back into my monk-like existence.

There is a routine I follow and that gets me through the day.

Having a routine to follow is comforting to me.

I believe most people live by a routine even if they don’t realize it.

When our routine is shattered it is usually because something bad has or is happening.

Sooner or later things return to our normal routine or to a new routine and we are happy for that.

All of us share a world,

But we all live in a different world of our own making.

Make the best of whatever your world is every day.

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