Thursday, August 4, 2022

220804 Walmart

My tribute to my local Walmart:
I went to Walmart yesterday and while I was there, I realized something that I want to share with you. I found out the most important and most unappreciated workers there are those who stock the shelves. I used to be annoyed because they blocked the aisles at times. Now I know they are the best people to help me. Every time I’m looking for something and having a difficult time finding it, I can ask those who stock the shelves and they know right where everything in the store is displayed. In the past I have had help from them, but it never registered until yesterday. Those I encountered were happy to point me toward the product I wanted and even willing to walk over and show me the item. Those are busy people (the busiest in the store) yet they are willing to stop and help me, someone they don’t even know. I appreciate those acts of kindness. At times their carts nearly block an aisle, but they'll move their cart away so I can reach the item I want. This is true at the Walmart store I go to but I cannot say it is true for all stores.
As I left the store another old veteran was entering. I had my navy cap on and I gave him a smart hand salute, fingertips to cap. He smiled and returned the salute. That simple act brightened the day for both of us.

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