Tuesday, July 26, 2022

220726 Dilemma

Dilemma: a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones.
Living alone I face a dilemma every day. Often they are simple, do I wash the dishes today or wait until tomorrow and by then have even more to wash at one time? Do I make my bed when I get up in the morning or let it be and have to look at it throughout the day as I pass through my bedroom? Do I practice my Yoga when I don’t feel like it or struggle through my daily practice?
None of those mentioned above are life changing. Other situations are more difficult. When Joyce went unconscious after her second aneurysm and was taken to the emergency room, her neurologist accessed the prognosis and then told me she could operate, but Joyce would likely die or at best live on as a vegetable. The alternative would be to remove Joyce’s ventilator and she would live for another hour or so before passing away. Joyce lived on for about 15 hours. I had to face the worst dilemma in my life in a few short minutes. That was the ultimate dilemma of my life.
I have made the decision on my life clear to my daughter Annie. That decision is to let me go and not hesitate to make the decision I had to make for Joyce. I am ready to go whenever my Creator calls me. I have not been an angel in my life; far from it, but I feel confident of what my judgment will be when I go before the Alpha and the Omega. The Omnipotent one. If I am wrong and I have been wrong before, then it’s my fault and delaying the inevitable is a ridiculous thing to try and prolong my situation.

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