Wednesday, June 22, 2022

220622 Rising Prices

It seems we are in an upward spiral of prices with no end in sight.
Inflation is costing all of us dearly. There seems to be multiple reasons for this, pick the one or ones that you believe and rest assured there are many to choose from. I have noted the grocery items I buy are higher every week when I shop. Some items are $2 more each than a year ago. Gasoline prices are outrageous! I have a car that I drive just around town and not more than a mile at a time, so I only use maybe 6 gallons a month or 1.5 months and I feel lucky I don’t have to commute a large distance to and from work every day.
I was in the grocery store yesterday. I bought a container of potato salad, 6 avocados, a tiny cup of sherbert and some dishwasher pods. That was $16 plus change and that is nowhere near what it will cost me per week. All I can do is shake my head in wonder over the cost of things.
Looking at my receipt, I remembered when Joyce and I were first in San Diego back in 1966. I was in the navy and made very little money. We would go to the grocery store and keep a running count of what we were buying. When the count hit $20 that was our limit for a week’s worth of groceries. It was all we had to spend. If one item put us over our limit we had to decide what to eliminate from our shopping cart. Those were difficult times for us, but then we were so much in love, no mountain was too steep to climb.

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