Friday, May 27, 2022

220527 Sentinel, Savages

We live in a savage world.
Back in 1912, William Congreve said: “Music has charms to soothe a savage beast.” I take umbrage with mister Congreve on his statement. We live in a world at war, we did before Congreve and we do today. Today there are 40 wars going on in this world. We have had two world wars already and may be inching closer to world war three, a war that could (would) end this wonderful world that God has given us. I found out last night that in this country there have been 213 mass shootings in 21 weeks. Apparently we don’t have enough soothing music going around in our country, much less the entire world.

I believe people have a reason, a right if you will, to have a gun to protect their families. Do we need automatic rifles to protect our home and family? I would think that in a confined hallway a person with a high-powered automatic rifle would tear up his house, he could squirt off 30 rounds, empty the magazine and not hit the perpetrator in the home, especially if he is not well versed in the proper use of the rifle. I believe a semi-automatic weapon is easier to use in a tight situation and would not waste ammo. My preference is a 38 cal snub nosed revolver with hollow point ammunition, no chance of the pistol jamming and that thing lights up the night when fired.

If there is an answer to this savage world’s problem, I don’t know what it may be.

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