Wednesday, May 25, 2022

220525 Sentinel, Purpose in life

I am thinking about my purpose in life.
I know what it was for 76 years, but what about now that I am close to 77 years old?

For most of my life I tried to help others as best as I could. I wasn’t always successful, but I made the effort. I helped parents, my daughter, friends and nursed Joyce back to health after her first brain aneurysm. I thought it was the right thing to do.

In the last year plus, I began thinking about death. I had all of our finances set up for Joyce and told her our financial situation and how to navigate without me. I did not want to outlive her. I couldn’t even imagine that, knowing my life would never be the same without her. I know that may have been selfish on my part.

A saying I like is this: The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. I have outlived Joyce and now I realize that was my purpose because she would not have been able to navigate without me; she was incapable of doing that at that point and she would have to be dependant on our daughter and her family and she would not want that after taking care of her mother in her mother's last years.

I have made the necessary changes for my daughter after I die so it will be as easy as possible for her. I have everything written down, everything that needs to be done and it is ready for her to take over.

Now I have to find out what purpose I have in my time left before I see all of my loved ones that have already passed. I have no idea what I want to do. Perhaps it is to be kind to friends and strangers, some of whom are now friends, some that I have said (in a cheerful way) good morning and will never see again. I suppose that may be my purpose.


  1. Bill when my Bill passed away , i set every thing up for me too so when i go every thing is done but the cremation. Thats all paid for up to that point and insurance to cover that. My mind is at peace.

  2. This has been a good thing for me too. I wanted to make things easier for my daughter when I pass and I feel as though I have done the right thing for her. I wonder how many other people have done this? I know of many who refuse to do this for whatever their reasons may be. I'm guessing they either have no trust in their children or they cannot fact the fact that they will at some point pass away.
