Thursday, February 3, 2022

220203 Sentinel, Comparing Winter in Missouri and Southern California

Actually there is no comparison between Missouri and southern California winters.
My photos below will verify my statement.
Past winters in Missouri,

Past winters in Coronado California. The pictures below were taken on Coronado beach in the winter. Often the young folks would drive up to Palomar mountain to fill a pickup truck with snow and then race back to Coronado and other nearby beaches to erect a snowman. Joyce and I would walk the beach on Coronado most evenings and would see the snowmen.
The first picture is Annie on Coronado beach in winter time.
This picture is Joyce and Annie on the beach during the winter on Coronado.
So why am I here? This is where I was born and it is my home. I've been half way around the world and this is where I choose to live. We have some bad weather at times in the winter, but not as bad as Wisconson and we have warm summers but not as hot and humid as Georgia or Louisanna. Here we are in the middle of the country and it is as good as anywhere else that I know of. California was wonderful when we were there in the sixties, early seventies and later in the eighties but not so wonderful anymore, they have a lot of problems these days.

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