Sunday, January 16, 2022

220116 Sentinel, Music

“Music has charms to soothe a savage breast.”
You may be as surprised as me when I found this quote was written in 1697 and seems to be as true today as it was back then.
My humble opinion is that during the fifties and early sixties songs were all all about love or loss thereof. I was a preteen and later teenager during those times and romantic love was all I thought about. I craved puppy love, later true love and I found them both, along with loss of love. That's how love was, back then and now today.
Yes the picture was me long ago, getting ready to go boldly into the arena of love.

During the late sixties songs seemed to transition into unrest with the Vietnam war raging. Songs seemed to change away from focusing on love into disappointment. By the seventies American jobs were going overseas and workers here became unemployed, dismayed with the situation here. The eighties brought us “Heavy Metal” music, in my mind, a tragedy in motion. The nineties brought a slight rebound toward love again, but since the two thousands, songs are to me, nothing but junk wrapped in tissue paper. Young people will not agree with that and they have a right to their own opinion. I don’t proclaim to be a seer, just a man with an opinion. I heard once that “opinions are like armpits, everyone has them and they all stink.” That’s the cleaned up version, not the one I first heard when I was in the navy.
I always liked the Sinatra song, Listen to the song on the following link and see if you agree.“Come dance with me.” In the song there is a lyric, “After all what else is dancing but making love set to music?” It was that way back then and still is today. Let's all be lovers and not haters.

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