Saturday, January 1, 2022

220101 Sentinel, New Year's Resolutions

This year I am turning over a new leaf.

I’m going to save the planet!

I will no longer buy any beer, that is wrapped in plastic containers. I will no longer launch any satellites that leave space junk orbiting the planet. I will no longer buy beer in six packs that have plastic rings around them that strangles small animals. I really don’t know how they do that, but I’ve heard it happens. I’m going to swim with the whales and dolphins to guide them away from fishing nets. I’m no longer using styrofoam for anything, that stuff has a half life of a thousand years or more, besides that won’t work well in my microwave oven. I’m not going on any cruise ships because they fill the oceans with excrement and plastic. I’m going to think about how to convert airliners from that nasty jet fuel into all electric planes. I’m pretty sure I can figure that one out. If I can’t do that, I’ll save seats for young people on rocket ships to go into space and pollute other earth-like planets wherever they land. Wow! I’m already tired thinking about the work I have ahead this year. I thought I’d just sit back with a beer and spend my time pleasantly writing more posts.

These resolutions are like all my previous resolutions that never panned out. If I'm not thinking clearly here, at least I am still thinking. I do wish I could change all of the things mentioned above, but it's not up to me to make those things happen, they are in fact well above my abilitys or my paygrade.

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