Thursday, December 16, 2021

211216 Sentinel, Thinking About Joyce

Christmas this year 2021.

I’ll be thinking about Joyce.

While Joyce passed away 3 months ago, She is still in my heart and will be for as long as I live. On Christmas I plan on sitting in the living room beside her Christmas tree and thinking about all of the wonderful Christmases we had together. God only makes one woman like her in every man’s life.

I feel Joyce’s presence at times. I hope her spirit will be with me this Christmas. When I dream about her, she is young and as beautiful as ever. I can’t see myself so I don’t know what I look like in my dreams. I hope that I am young in the dream too.

I hope all of you readers have a merry Christmas this year. Christmas is a time for love and hope. It is my hope that all of you have many more happy Christmases with family and friends around you. I know Joyce and I had our share of them. Joyce is still with me in spirit. May God bless and keep you now and forever.

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