Saturday, October 30, 2021

211930 Sentinel, Easy Listening

Autumn Music
I don’t imagine that many of my steady readers are below 50 years of age; if I am wrong I would still be happy to hear that. I have 31 gigabytes of music on external drives for my computer. That’s about 15,000 songs which takes a long time to listen to all of it. I have of course listened to all of them at some point.

Now I find myself listening to YouTube music playlists. There is a tremendous variety of music and once a person starts listening there seems to be ever more to listen to on YouTube. I like that because I can listen for hours without having to change album selections or make my own playlists. Listening on YouTube also broadens my number of songs I hear. I really enjoy music from the WW-2 years and the late forties early fifties.

I recently found this on YouTube. The man who puts these songs together is Jake Westbrook. It seems he has playlists for many occasions. One of them I have been listening to for the last few days is Vintage Autumn Music the music is great and the screen pictures change every few minutes with delightful artwork from the golden age of magazine illustrators that did superb work.

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