Thursday, October 21, 2021

211021 Sentinel, Autumn Leaves

mobile theme

October's Finest and November's Challenge
The red leaves of October in the trees
Fall victim to the 20 mph breeze
They float down to the ground
Without making a sound

I am partial to the mighty oak
It’s not yet ready to shed its cloak
Its leaves hold fast and green
But come mid November
They're as red as any other I’ve seen
Come January those leaves are brown
But few have yet to hit the ground
The cold winter breeze
Makes the brown leaves rattle in the trees
But it still can’t remove all those leaves
They remain attached through sleet, ice and snow
It’s not yet time for them to go
In the warmth of spring I found
That’s when those brown leaves finally cover the ground
They make a loud crunching sound when I walk around

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