Monday, October 11, 2021

211011 Sentinel, Without Joyce

mobile theme

‘Without You’

This was written in October of 2003, 18 years ago.

What would my world be without you?
I wonder but I don’t want to know.
Would anyone else ever take your place?
I don’t think so.
Would I ever trust another as I trust you?
I can’t imagine that.
Would anyone else be so tolerant of my faults?
I know that's not likely.
Would any other love me as much as you do?
I don’t believe so.
Would anyone else be so kind and considerate?
I think not.
Would any other seem so beautiful as you?
I have to say no.
Would any other give me the memories you have?
I doubt it.
Would anyone else thrill me just walking in the door as you do?
I can't imagine so.
Would any one else light up my life with just a smile?
I have to say no.
The truth is I can’t imagine life without you.

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