Monday, August 2, 2021

210802 Sentinel, Lies, Confidence, Song

mobile theme


I have never liked anyone who practices lying. I cannot lie and cannot tolerate those who do so. It has become clear to me that the bigger the lie is, the easier it is for people to believe it. In my past writing, I have written a few stories that I thought were so fantastic that people would easily see it was just whimsy and appreciate the story for what it was, but to my surprise people believed it and asked questions about how I did that.
I was on instructor duty in Tennessee with a Marine Staff Sergeant as my teaching partner at one time and as Marines like to do, he was spinning a yarn; he was telling the class about how I had been in the navy’s enlisted astronaut program. The next time I was in class, the only thing those young sailors wanted to hear about was the enlisted astronaut program. This and the fantasy stories I wrote are proof that lies work.


This is something I have studied and analyzed in my own life. I found out looking back in my time that when I had total confidence in myself, everything went smoothly, my attitude was great and I was healthy. Three times in my life I lost my confidence. When a person loses confidence, fear moves in to fill the void in the brain. Fear causes major stress and stress follows with illness. Once long ago when I was visiting my doctor about my stress, he told me that with all of his patients and their various ailments that 70% of the causes of illness that brought them in to see him was caused by stress.


Today’s song is one I heard decades ago when I was a teen. I loved it then and still do today. The song has no words, just an instrumental, but a good one. The title is “Green Onions” I have no idea why that is such a favorite but I still listen to it regularly.

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