Tuesday, June 22, 2021

210622 The Sentinel, Your Brain

Here’s a question of note, which is more important, your subconscious or your conscious brain? Think about it and try to come up with an answer.

Both centers of the brain are valuable, but my choice is the subconscious. My reason is this: the subconscious is the boss up there. It works all day and all night every moment. It keeps the heart beating while we are fast asleep. It tells the body what to do constantly. The conscious brain is what we use to solve math problems and make decisions or whether to turn the car right or left. It makes quick decisions for us. The subconscious mind is a bossy hunk of gray matter though. It was first to develop and it has all of our memories and gives us those crazy dreams at night that make little sense. Because the subconscious brain thinks it reigns supreme, it always wants to be in control, telling us not to do something because it remembers an incident where we cut our finger or burned a hand and it does not want us to repeat that mistake again. It also tries to interfere with our decision making in the conscious mind, telling us one thing or another will not turn out right. It really messes with my mind during meditation. It always tries to but in and send me something else to ponder beyond my focusing just on my breathing.

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