Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Sentinel, When is Enough Enough? 210403


      There are men that have billions of dollars, multiple homes, cars, yachts, airplanes, servants and yet they always want more. They have devoted their lives to making evermore money. Sometimes along the way they become estranged from their spouse and family members, yet they are still consumed finding more ways to make more money.

      I have always believed one of the biggest problems couples have is money. If there’s not enough, problems arise, too much seems to cause a less than the desirable outcome too.

      It seems to me that the things that bring pleasure in life are the same for the wealthy as for working people. The first thing and most important requirement is love. The next is time; time enough to be with the one you love and the family you love. That includes time for leisure activities, which of course change radically with one’s age. Ah some of the things we focused on in our younger days aren’t on the menu very often these days. Sports activities are not done as well as in younger days and maybe we can’t do them at all.

      In my case, I’m easy to please; I have Joyce, plenty of good food, plenty of beer, yoga, movies and time for writing. Writing is a binary experience for me, sometimes it’s so wonderful to compose a piece and other times it is agonizing. I write things down and then look at what I have on paper or the computer and end up destroying them.

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