Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Sentinel, two calamities and one horrific event 210411

      Two of the three did happen and one has yet to happen, but it will.

      The picture below was me getting ready for Y-2K!

      The first thing was the Y-2K silliness. I don’t know how it came to be, but it scared a lot of people. Computer manufacturers had the idea that on the first day of the year 2000 all Microsoft computers would stop working due to some software issues. I didn’t know what they were and I still don’t know. Microsoft started working feverishly to do some software modifications to hopefully avoid the oncoming catastrophe. Somehow that spawned survivalists to launch their campaign telling people that they needed underground bunkers or safe rooms in their homes, along with pistols and rifles and massive amounts of ammunition to fend off marauders coming out of the city to steal food from country folks. The survivalists started businesses selling guns and canned rations to stay alive until things calmed down. People went to their banks to draw out funds to keep them going until the banks reopened. I already had the arms and ammo and Joyce already had canned a lot of food during our big gardening days on the farm, but we did take cash out of our bank, just in case things went awry. In the end nothing happened in our case and we saved a lot by not buying into the panic.

      The second thing was December 21, 2012. That was the day when the ancient Mayan calendar stopped. Somehow that took on an ominous possibility that the world would end. We all know now that didn’t happen. Joyce and I stayed up until midnight enjoying alcoholic beverages so if the world would end, we would go blissfully into dust.

      The third thing will happen, but no one knows for sure when. The event will be when the underground erupts in Yellowstone national park. When that happens all of the people in the western states will die and along with them everyone west of the Mississippi river will perish. Those folks on the east coast will be happy they live where they do at least for a while until they run out of food. At that point the Y-2K thing will happen. Most of us living today will likely have passed away before that, but just in case it happens in my lifetime, I hope that I am perched in my office chair having a cold, delicious beer while Joyce enjoys her beverage of choice. As always, pray for the best and prepare for the rest.

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