Friday, April 23, 2021

The Sentinel, Joyce's amazing rack

      The picture below is Joyce's amazing spice rack. At the upper right corner is the red flashlight mentioned below.

      This happened today. It was clearly an amazing thing that could not ever be duplicated.

      Joyce was reaching up to her spice rack for some parsley when she knocked off the flashlight. It hit the trash can and then bounced into the 1.5 inch gap between the fridge and the wall. The flashlight was 1 inch in diameter. The top of the flashlight has a rubber button that is pressed to turn it on and when it hits the edge of the trash can it turns it on and lights the gap between the fridge and the baseboard of the wall. It settled at the back corner and I had to get a stick to pull it out to where I could reach it.

      This picture is the trash can mentioned above.

      The next 2 pictures are of the flashlight and the gap where it landed.

      The camera makes the gap look much bigger than it is. How the sequence of events happened, I will never know, I just know that it did happen.


  1. Well the last picture shows it all....I will never be as tidy as my mom, would you look at that...even the space between the wall and the fridge (that you can only see with a camera close up) is cleaner than my entire kitchen! And you don't have to zoom in with your camera to see the dirt and dust at my house! Just look down!

    1. You are what you are and you should know that is fine with me. Love you!
