Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Sentinel, Svengali Mind 210317

      Svengali was a fictional character in an 1895 novel by George du Marier. He was a psychiatrist who took control of his patient’s minds and made them do whatever suited his will.

      We think we are in full control of our own mind. To some extent we are, but are we really in complete control? Consider this; we watch news shows on TV and the more we watch the more we begin to shape our views, especially with politics.

       TV is loaded with commercial breaks that show us a host of new and supposedly better products. Advertisers do that for one reason; it works! We are happy with our car or truck, but then we are overloaded with beautiful video shots of the brand new vehicle, enough so that we want one and sometimes trade in our still comfortable, useful car for that one we saw on TV. Lately in my case, there have been ads for the newest Lincoln SUV with the magnificently comfortable interior cabin. The commercials say nothing about the fuel mileage, the engine size, the reliability, nothing but that luxurious interior cabin. For all I know the company may have towed the vehicle there and had the interior shots set up for the advertisement. That said, I would love to have one of them just for the cabin interior. I could not afford one and if I did manage to get one I might end up living in the SUV because I couldn’t pay for it and an apartment too. I could use Walmart’s parking lot to sleep in my Lincoln, but then there wouldn’t be all that beautiful countryside in the commercials.



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