Monday, March 29, 2021

The Sentinel, Actual News 210329

      This is the ship caught in the Suez canal.

      The ship has completely blocked passage through the canal. There are currently 200 cargo ships waiting to get through the canal. Suez handles 10% of all trade in the world. All of the cars from China, Lithium Ion batteries for electric cars from Japan, shoes and clothes from India, cell phones from China, electronic components from China are all sent on those ships traversing from the Indian ocean to the Mediterranean go through the Suez. Ships sailing from Asian ports now have to go around the horn of Africa. Beside danger of severe weather there, there are pirates along the African coastline that hijack ships. The trip around the horn is 4000 miles longer, adding hundreds of thousands of dollars in fuel costs.

      Right now the best hope for getting the ship Evergreen through the canal is a rising tide to lift the ship off the bottom sands in the canal. That does not sound very hopeful to me.

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