Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Walmart 210224

      Walmart is always interesting to me.

      Yesterday I was in there and something happened that just astounded me. I had been there the day before looking at computers; I always look through the electronics complex there. I saw a computer there that I wanted to buy. I checked reviews on it and 2 others. They were not super, but I don’t need a rocket fast computer for my use. I made the decision to go back and get the laptop. I checked out the 3 and decided on the one I wanted. The clerk came over and I told her which one I would like to purchase. She checked stock and they didn’t have one available. I asked if I could take the one on display. Her answer was no; they are not allowed to sell the ones on display. I then asked why not? If you don’t have any in stock you should be able to sell the display and then you won’t have to answer the same question over and over. Well I thought I would pop for the extra money and get the better one. They did not have one of those either. And then I was willing to get the third laptop and by now you may know the answer; they didn’t have one of those either. They did have some really overpriced computers on display that were larger in size than what I wanted, so I walked out of the store empty-handed. As I write this post this morning, I wonder if they had anything that they could sell?




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