Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Sentinel, Castles, Monuments, Skyscrapers and Groceries 210216

      We all look at and admire skyscrapers, beautifully designed museums, castles and monuments even if we only see them on television. Kings built castles and the kings named them, architects built structures and they are remembered and revered for their work. Monuments are sculptured by men and women and they are remembered for their magnificent craftsmanship.

      Here’s my thoughts on that subject: the king did not lay one stone in his marvelous castle, he did not defend it from invading armies. The architect did not climb up 100 stories to rivet the steel girders that make the building possible. The sculptor did not cut and haul the granite or marble material that he or she transformed. We remember and honor the king, architect and sculptor, but no one even knows the working men and women who did the work. Without those unknown workers none of these things could have been done. I find that sad to think about.

      One more thing today, I wrote earlier about how the internet would affect all of us should we lose all internet. What I did not think of was even with the internet working, weather conditions could be even worse for our food in grocery stores. The current severe winter storm caused our grocery and Walmart to have empty shelves because trucks couldn’t get here. I was shocked when I went to both of them on Sunday and while we had needs, the shelves did not have what was needed. I apologise for not including that in my post.



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