Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Sentinel, Lucky 201209

      Think about this for a moment, how lucky we are. We aren’t being chased around by a T-Rex dinosaur trying to make us into an afternoon snack. We have all the food we can consume from a place called a grocery store. We are not out trying to kill some poor animal to sustain our lives. We have climate controlled homes. We have the best thing ever invented; it’s called the internet. We can talk to a small hand-held device to find out anything we think we might want to know about. We in this great country are far better than more than half of the planet.
      Before those of you who are evangelicals jump all over me for what is written below, let me say that science goes back to the big bang and has no answer for what came before. I believe that is where God comes in and His universal consciousness created the big bang that is currently unexplained by science.
      Did you know that for the first 6,000,000,000 (that’s 6 billion) years there was no life on earth? There was no oxygen, no life on this planet. Then a single cell life form appeared from a mix of chemicals. This organism took in the carbon dioxide that filled our atmosphere and gave off oxygen. Eventually that oxygen filled up 30% of the atmosphere including some slight amount in the oceans. Then fish slowly evolved, then whales. Some of those fish were able to spend some time on land and those evolved into apes and apes evolved into humanoid creatures which evolved into what we are today.
      And here we are today, well fed, educated and living the best life that ever existed on this planet. All that above having been said, why do we have so many unhappy people?

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