Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Sentinel, Angels, Tests and Police 201216

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.


Some may not believe in angels, perhaps because they never saw any being running around with wings. I don’t know when the idea of angels all having wings began, but I do know that that concept is ridiculous. Angels appear in all sorts of ways to do the Lord’s work. They are all around us any time we are in a hospital. They wear badges that say nurse on their scrubs. In this pandemic, who but an angel would work incredibly long hours and risk their own lives and the safety of their families to minister to people they have never before met? Lest I forget, EMTs, those men and women are also risking their lives for strangers they may never meet again.

Cognitive Tests

I had my wellness check at the doctor’s office yesterday and part of the visit for us old timers is the cognitive test. I first became aware of this test when Joyce was suffering through her tribulations in 2017. I was there every moment she was awake and she had more of them than I can count at the moment. Since then we have both had them every wellness check. I am always with her for her wellness check and six months later for my own test. The test has never changed since 2017 and by now I have it memorized. None the less I still have to go through the motions. I probably do better simply because I and Joyce have had so many of them. I suppose it is still good that I can still remember them. That does show something. The most difficult part is when they give you a series of numbers to remember and then ask you later to reverse them. Yesterday I aced that one because I had been rehearsing it for a week before. Life is grand!


Everyone gets annoyed when a policeman/woman stops our vehicles. Think about this for a moment; a policeman might have someone being obnoxious to them several times a day, day after day. You may remember at some time in your working life having a boss that constantly harangued you every time you two met. I sure remember one I had like that. Think about a policeman these days who never knows on any given stop someone may attempt to take his/her life. Then the patrolman/woman gets a round of static from the person that has been stopped and delayed. I know not all police persons are good, but the majority of them are until they get fed up with the garbage they face day after day. I will be as civil to him/her as long as I receive the same in kind. Let’s give them a break. Remember when you need a law enforcement officer, they are the best friend you ever had!

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