Friday, November 13, 2020

The Sentinel, Possible 201113

      My grandpa said this to me about 65 years ago. “Anything is possible but many things are improbable.” This post is not to be taken as an absolute truism, rather it is possible but maybe improbable.

      At sometime years from now, the exact year is not important. We are both reborn of different parents, in different cities, but in the same vicinity as we were born in this life. Joyce is reborn as a male child, me as a female child. We are both growing up and as before, have the same places we go to, share some of the same friends but do not meet for 17 years. We finally do meet, but in opposite roles. Joyce was not initially fond of me at all as many people have been in my lifetime. I suppose I am like a fungus; I have to grow on a person before they learn to live with me.
      We finally meet and I being the female do not like her as the male. We go our separate ways and that is it. Then again, we could meet and fall in love and get married. We could meet and just be friends while one or the other would like to make it more permanent, but that never happens.
      Reincarnation is strange and we never know what another lifetime could bring or even if there is no other lifetime. Even if there is another lifetime we would probably not remember much of the previous life.
      This is a funny story that happened at a bad time. My father was in a local hospital after having his leg cut off. He had been a Catholic, but no longer believed in any religion. The hospital wanted to know what a person’s religion or belief system was. Dad said he had been Catholic. Ministers go to hospitals and comfort the infirmed and this Catholic priest was stopping by every day to speak with dad. The priest was running late that day and I arrived after work as the priest was there. My dad said to the priest that I was his son. The priest looked at me in a strange, even odd way before saying, I know you. I have seen you before and we have met.” I replied, “No father we have not met before.” He then insisted, “oh yes we have met before.” My answer was, “maybe in a past life father but not this one.” The priest’s eyes opened up as big as silver dollars, he looked at me like he had just seen the actual devil here on earth. He took off like he was shot out of a cannon and the man never returned to see my father the entire time dad was in the hospital.
      If we go way down the the DNA level, all of us have bits of every ancestor in our past. That is a form of reincarnation of those ancestors. Our lord God created souls, why would He waste them and not reuse them? We cannot escape karma (or as we in America like to say, what goes around comes around). Karma is a beach and when you are on that beach, you get a little sand in your crack.

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