Friday, October 30, 2020

The Sentinel, A-Z 201030

Having just finished this post below, I’m really feeling good getting things off my chest.

      Voting for election 2020 will be over in 5 days. I have a feeling I know who will win. Then the real battle will begin. How that turns out, I cannot be sure. There will be chaos, wringing of hands, gnashing of teeth. No one knows how that will end or how long it will take. It will not be pretty.
      Come December I will finally stop getting health insurance junk mail. That will go a long way to lightening the load in my mailbox. Thanksgiving and Christmas will certainly be different from years gone by. No big family gatherings, but less stress involved for Joyce and I. We will still have memories of those holidays with large family gatherings, home filled with more people than space to seat them. Those days are over and the past will never return.
      These days I am wondering more about the future and what it will bring. That is if there is a future for us. At our age with our uncontrolled pandemic and selfish, self-centered, ignorant assholes who refuse to wear a mask and are not concerned about getting Covid and then spreading it around to old folks, well we may not have a future to be concerned about. Joyce and I can handle adversity, Lord knows we have had enough experience with it in our lifetime; what we can’t handle is a case of Covid-19. I could sure handle a case of beer, but not the plague that is surrounding us.
      All that said, we are doing well, focusing on living in the moment because that is the only guarantee we have in this world. We have lived a good life and hopefully will have more years of joy on the way.
      I’ve heard things are just swell in heaven. Just think no more old aching body to contend with. I believe then that I will understand all the things I never have understood on earth. Once the battle with Satan is over, there will be peace in the valley.

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