Thursday, August 20, 2020

Your Sentinel, Thoughts and Questions for the Day

We all know what we think of any given person, but we never really know what they may think of us. I have had a lot of different jobs in my lifetime and did find out what a few people thought about me through 3rd parties, so while I didn't know personally I later heard about it. Some were outright lies. There was an old seventies song with the lyric 'beware of the pat on your back, it might just hold you back.' I now know that to be true.

"A wise man is he who knows what he does not know." I had to think about that one for a while, but those who have been in the workforce have met people who think they know everything and they are never as smart as they think they are, so the saying does make good sense.

"Who am I?" This is a good one. It sounds simple, does it not? We can say, well I am a mother or I am a doctor or I am a repairman. Those are things that you do, but not who you are. Don't worry because I am not sure any of us know the answer. It may be something no one really knows. It could be an unanserable question in our lives on earth. In the bible, God says "I am." He was declaring His self existence, no father no mother. He always was, always will be. We unfortunately cannot claim that. So perhaps the question "who am I" may have no real answer. I have been pondering this for a long time and have yet to get an answer.

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