Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Cats, Robots and Curtains

This was the first thought that came into my brain this morning

Cats fighting
behind the seafood store
waiting for scraps
that hit the cutting room floor

I wonder at this moment how many Americans are cats behind the seafood store in what we claim is the richest country in the world? It is sad to me that there are is a huge number of Americans who through no fault of their own are in that situation. I tried to get some exact numbers but the bureau of labor statistics is running 4 years behind the data, which is worthless at this time.

Robots yesterday I was making a call to pay a bill, to pay through a damn robot. My big fingers trying to hit little charactors on a smart phone were not cutting the mustard, so eventually I was transferred to wait for a human being, thank God for small favors! But, it wasn't over yet, because I was #8 of 20 so I had another long wait. I kept checking and eventually got down to #4 and I was happy, sort of happy anyhow. Then all of a sudden I was a #1, that was good, because I would hate to be a #2. Once I had a human being things got taken care of in a jiffy. I hope if any business sees this they will go back to humans on the phones instead of robots, but then I have my doubts they ever will do so.

Curtains, when we had our farm house there were 21 windows to cover. That took 49 curtains that Joyce had to buy or make, mostly make. Now we have an apartment with just 3 windows and 8 curtains. All of those 49 curtains had to be laundered, all the windows had to be washed. It was a nightmare! Picture this old man with his skinny old butt hanging out a second floor window trying to hold on with one hand and wash windows with the other hand. Yes it was not a pretty sight, but now it's in your head. I'm still having a difficult time getting rid of that image in my head and I obviously never saw it from the roadway. One consolation was, at least I had pants on.

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