Thursday, July 2, 2020

Your Sentinel July 2,2020

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.
Why the World War Two posters today? The answer is simple; that was the last time this whole country pulled together, in the same direction. It was the last time everyone was involved and had a stake in the event.

WW-2 Navy

Think about it, every family across the nation had someone in the service of our country. Everyone had to sacrifice during the war. It did not matter who or where they lived there was rationing of groceries, gasoline, cigarettes. Everyone on the home front recycled cans, scrap metals, even frying grease went into the war effort. Families started victory gardens to supplement their diets.

Even today with the Covid-19 virus, not everyone is pulling together to eventually rid our country of this heinous virus or at least to change the bell curve into a flat line.

WW-2 Air-Corps

I believe there should be compulsory military service for every 18 year-old. I think at least a year and better two years, with some time spent over seas. My reasoning is first, once a young person serves in the military they learn how to follow instructions and get along with all types of people and that seems essential to me. Second, the overseas duty would show Americans how wonderful this country is compared to others. Third, going to college at an older, more experienced level would make a better, more focused student. Look what veterans did after WW-2; they built the finest country in the world.

WW-2 Army

WW-2 showed that while the men were overseas, women could handle any job put before them. They built ships, airplanes, manufactured weapons and ammunition. In today's world they are again proving they are capable. They are scientists, engineers and really great computer programmers. If you look at the credits before and after movies, you will find they are writers, producers and directors on big movies, not just independent movies. Women have been good or great leaders in countries around the world. Our country has held them back since WW-2 and continues to allow women to make less than men for the same jobs. I believe their downfall is the fact that they are smart, they threaten men's egos and they don't go along with "the good old boys network" with the sometimes ridiculous concepts that the network comes up with.

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