Saturday, July 4, 2020

The Sentinel, Happy 4th of July!

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Happy 4th of July!

The Catholic religion has what they call Holy Days of Obligation. What that means is devotees are required to go to church that day or risk a mortal sin. That was not an edict from God, but rather established by Canon law in 1917. Those days have have been shuffled as of June 2018 and perhaps the mortal sin thing is no longer in practice, I can't say because I don't know.

Therefore in honor of the 4th of July, this reporter assigns this day from 2020 on as a Holiday of Obligation. All inhabitants of this nation are required to celebrate in a manner that suits oneself. This reporter recommends hot dogs, and hamburgers grilled outside for the working folks and steaks for the upper class. One more personal requirement for this reporter is consumption of a reasonable quantity of cold beer.

Countries that changed their names

Bangladesh was East Pakistan, Ghana was Gold Coast, Indonesia was Dutch East Indies, Myanmar was Burma, Thailand was Siam.

My question is, could it be time to change the name of the United States of America? It would seem that we are no longer united. The individual states are anything but united. Our politics are polarized and have no united processes. We can debate which side is at fault, but then both sides only want to speak, not listen. Perhaps we could call ourselves the 50 states of America or the Ununited States. How about the Democratic States of America and the Republican States of America? As Abe Lincoln said, "A house divided cannot stand." It appears we are beginning to see the results of that.

Disneyland 1966

Joyce and I were there with our cousins in 1966. There was a feature called the world of the future. It was very interesting. It predicted self-driving cars. It noted Cars that would have a 360 degree view around them. There was a compact plastic dome style home that was practically indestructible and required little maintenance. Self driving cars are now here and many have radar giving a 360 degree view. The plastic dome house was somehow not workable or maybe building companies did not want to run themselves of of business.

There was also a feature that had robotic presidents and when you approached them they would begin speaking to you. They were amazingly realistic. And today there are huge businesses around the world making lifelike robots ostensibly for companionship, and we all know they are for more than just companionship.

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