Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Real Time Sentinel News 200414

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Life Changing

This current time has brought changes to our lives. For some it has been very dramatic, for others not so much. I have reported before that many people do not like change, so I can feel their pain.

For our staff here, we are adapting. We miss getting out every morning to go somewhere and get some fresh air and see things around us. The weather here has reverted back to winter conditions and that has limited our walking jaunts. Temps in the 30's and winds to match make for unpleasant walking outside.

The good thing is we have stocked up on alcohol. We are enjoying our morning yoga; I mean what else does one do at 6 am? We have already been up since 4 am drinking the delicious black liquid called coffee. Breakfast comes after yoga. It is interesting to this reporter that when a person has done a half hour or more of exercise one's hunger is subsided somewhat and one eats less. It would follow then that should someone exercise more he would eat less, lose weight and feel better for it.

Reader Reply

This reporter's story about being in Japan brought out a good story from a navy buddy. Both of us had flown in and out of Atsugi at different times. I think you will enjoy his story.

My Atsugi story goes like this;  A bunch of us ( crew # 7 ) took the train to Yokohama I think. Among other things, we purchased two cases of Akadama port wine to take back to Guam. Unfortunately we opened one of the cases and started passing bottles around the car. Many of the Japanese left the car, but new folks showed up. Soon people were doing gymnastics in the aisles. Some locals missed their stop and I am sure are still trying to explain to their wives what happened. Crazy Americans. I also remember being there when it was an anniversary of the nuclear bomb dropping and we could not leave the base for an entire weekend.  The other Atsugi story was that TE 00 ( double nuts ) lost its front gear and had to land there on two wheels only. There were three pilots on board but they made the junior pilot LTJG Apap land the plane. He made a perfectly balanced landing and almost no damage to the tail section when he finally set it down upon stopping. He was immediately promoted to full LT.  Imagine I can remember Lt. Apap's name and can't remember what I had for breakfast.

Memory Corner

I had this dream some nights ago. I went by the old farmstead and while driving by, I saw multiple UFO's flitting around in the skies like butterflies in summer. I stopped the car and walked out into the field to watch them. I was sitting there when the UFO's started landing and that concerned me. I was looking in the east as they landed in silence. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me, coming from the west. I turned to look and the ET's were upon me. I had chills up and down my spine, remembering when I had been abducted before. This group seemed friendly though. The woman in the lead assured me I would be okay, they were only here to assist people.

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