Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Real Sentinel News, Things I Never Thought About 200423

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Things I never thought of

I never thought my studying Spanish was going to be helpful over the 2 years I took it in school. Now I wish I could remember what I learned. When I was a kid, I wanted to join the army, never thought about the navy, in which I did 10 years eight months of service. Never thought about getting old, wow was that a mistake! Never thought I/we would ever have to assist our parents, we did on both sides. During my working life, I always dreamed about retirement and being able to sleep as much as I wanted and finally catch up on the sleep I lost throughout my working career. Now I can't sleep more that 5-6 hours a night, which is less than I got working. I never dreamed I would be doing yoga at 5 in the morning. I didn't ever hear of yoga until I was over 40 years-old. Never thought I would be meditating 2 times a day and didn't even know what it was until I was near 40. I was raised on a diet of meat and potatoes, never thought I would be living on a plant-based diet, though now I wished I was raised that way. Never thought I would like beer, that's another thing I failed to think of until late in life.

I imagine each of you elderly have had similar experiences.

Covid-19 Update

Sorry, nothing new, nothing better, SOS (same old S*it.) I'm sorry for being so glib. I am just tired of hearing the same s*it, just on a different day. I apologize to anyone who is suffering with the virus or has a loved one ill from it. Sending people back to work at this time will only cause more cases of Covid and more people will die. The party in power in Washington D.C. seems not to care because they are convinced only old people are dying and well that's what old people do and the economic numbers are more important than old people dying. WTF! I am an old people and I have a few more years of drinking beer left to do. My current supply is up to standards and I want to finish it and several more replenishments; thank you very much. I do have some comfort in the old saying, "only the good die young."

Local dogs are very angry around here. They are really getting sick and tired of having their owners home all day and continuously blabbing to them in a language dogs do not speak. The dogs howl all day long with sad melodies.

The old days

Some of you young folks won't believe people could survive in such primitive situations, but I have to share this. Back when I was a child, we had no TV, no cell phones no internet and I can remember Mom and dad had a jigsaw puzzle on a table that they put together on the weekends. They were young and they had to have something to do when I was awake. Once I was in bed for the night, while I did not know then, they were, I'm sure working on producing my 5 siblings. That's what I think back on now with my adult perspective, no wonder those jigsaw puzzles took weeks to complete. Meanwhile I gradually went from the center of the universe, the top dog, to just the oldest kid in the family. No wonder I left home and joined the navy when I was 18. I was by then just another mouth to feed. I got to navy boot camp and despite as low as I went on the family priority list; I discovered with the navy I wasn't hardly on the list of important people. My recruiter never mentioned that to me. It was almost like he was just another salesman trying to make another sale. They all seemed so nice until I and several others raised our hands and took an oath to support this nation in any and all circumstances. Once our hands dropped after the oath, that man that swore us into the service started swearing at us. I don't think he even liked us. He gave us 5 minutes to say goodbye to those with us and then we were to get our collective asses to the train station and get to Great Lakes in Chicago.

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