Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Real Sentinel News, Numbers 200425

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Numbers have become interesting to me.

We all know the slang for a number 1 and the number 2, but I want to speak about the number 3. It is a very interesting number to me. So many things are centered around the 3. For instance the Christian faith is built around the Holy Trinity. In life it takes a mother and a father to make a baby. A well made 3 legged stool is more stable than a 4 legged stool. Good things in one's life usually come in threes and so do mistakes and other bad things. Families often go through a series of three deaths with its aged population. The old saying with dating, twos company threes a crowd. The story of "the three little pigs." The story of "the three princes of Serendip" many stories involve 3 characters, especially romance novels and movies. Any story you read or movie you watch is built around a 3 act timeline.

Fibonacci Numbers

The 3 is a Fibonacci number. Those numbers are only evenly divisible by the number 1 and the number itself. Every Fibonacci number is a combination of the previous 2 numbers to make the third number. As an example, 1 and 2 make 3, 2 and 3 make 5, 3 and 4 make 7 and this sequence goes on for thousands of numbers. I am not a mathematician but one wonderful use for Fibonacci numbers is in algorithms for computer searches that come so quickly to us. A not so good use is those same algorithms are used to track our every move on Facebook or Google or Windows computers.

This all goes to show that nothing is all good nor is anything all bad.


Money is all about numbers. You need to be able to add to find out how much you have or have not. You need to multiply to figure out your yearly income. You need to know your monthly income to figure your yearly income. It's all numbers.

100 years ago the biggest numbers people thought about was millions and only the wealthy could even contemplate a million dollars. Then it became billions (1000 million) and then it became a trillions (1000 billion) at some point it could become a google (a 1 followed by 100 zeroes) that could happen with hyper inflation or just a continual process that we elderly may never see, but our grandchildren may see at some possibly future date.

Those of us common folk have a limited scope of numbers of dollars, but those who follow us may see and even contemplate those huge numbers.

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