Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Real Sentinel News, Heroes and the Flow 200430

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Heroes and Friends

There are a lot of songs about cowboy heroes, super heroes and so forth. I always admired the fantasies of cowboys in the old west, but they are not what I am writing about today, nor are superheroes.

My heroes are real men and women that we meet every day and many of them we will never know their names, but they are all around us all of the time.

My heroes are in no particular order.
Veterans, every last one takes an oath upon entering service to defend this country from enemies both foreign and domestic. At that point he/she signs a blank check for anything and everything his commander in chief asks, up to and including his/her life on any given day or night.

Doctors, nurses, nurse assistants, firemen and EMTs are the most dedicated individuals that save lives every day and night and are currently risking their lives every day with the current Covid-19 virus. That is a hero to me.

More About Heroes

Men and women who get up every day to go out, work hard and make a living for their families are heroes because they differentiate themselves from near-do-wells who feel their pay for working is below the standards they have set, so they don't work. They let someone else work for them. Many readers may not see things my way, but think about it and maybe you will agree.

My last category are not any less heroes than others in this post. I just write my posts as they come into my head. This next category of heroes are friends who make other people's lives better by their actions. Patrick Rogan, Kevin DeBord, Rhett McSparren, Kelly Hampton, Bill Taylor, Steve Williams, neighbor Pete, Annie McSparren, Kristy Davis, Pat Robertson, Gina Weber. There are many others, far too many for this post.

Heroes all help make people's lives better.

The Flow of Life

I was thinking about what sailors called "Hail and Farewell." Old hands would be transferred out and new ones would arrive and there would be a party, hence the title hail and farewell. That thought reminded me of something I wrote many moons ago, called "The River of Life."

I go down the river seeking answers
But the answers aren’t always the ones I want to hear
So I seek more answers
The river is strange
By the time I begin to understand
It’s altered and I no longer comprehend it
I hate to change
But change is the only constant on the river
No matter how staunch I am, she transforms me
The river of life flows ever onward
I am but a twig on the river
I don’t change the river, the river changes me
The river never ends
But I will
Rivers endure people don’t
I can change the banks for a time
or I can leave them alone
The river will always return to its true nature
Sometimes a rock will deflect me
Forcing me to revise my direction
But sooner or later I return to the river
To purposely deviate from the flow
Only complicates and delays
the journey I must make to complete my purpose
If I seem adrift in a marsh
There’s no need to worry
Perhaps I’m just resting on my way down river
Maybe I’m there
Just to spend a moment with you
On my way down river

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