Sunday, April 12, 2020

Some Real News from The Sentinel 200412

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

The Tipping Point

This refers to a book written by Malcolm Gladwell published in 2000. Gladwell points out how when things reach a critical point everything changes. He explains that ideas, messages and behaviors spread like wildfire as things become viral and when we hit the tipping point things change in short order. For instance climate change when the earth warms to a tipping point, the climate change is rapid and violent. My thinking, we now are close and storms have become more frequent and more destructive. The ice caps are melting causing a rise in sea level. There was a point 18000 years ago when sea levels were 400 feet lower than now, before the ice caps melted. At 8000 years ago the sea levels rose over time to what we have today. Now if we continue with warming and our ice caps melt sea levels will rise from current level to 230 feet higher. Think about that for a minute. New York city will be under water,most of the land where people live in California will be under water. Imagine this, at one time in the distant past the Mediterranean sea was a dry arid spot because the straight of Gibraltar was closed off due to low seas levels the Mediterranean Sea was not a sea at all. At that time there were cities built around the sea that are now underwater for thousands of years now.


Missouri is a native American word that according to the Smithsonian division of ethnicity claims means "Town of the big canoes." I have to believe the Smithsonian for that old definition, but these days I think a variance is in order. My definition is "Land where in spring and fall one can and does go from heating in the morning to air conditioning in afternoon and back to heating at nightfall." I just feel that is a more suitable definition.

Back to the native meaning, I have to wonder just how big those canoes were? I don't doubt that they had to be large. Anyone familiar with the Missouri or the Mississippi knows there are swift currents that can easily rock and tip a small boat. During the annual spring flooding those currents can ground the huge barges that go up and down the river.


That does not stand for Universal Furniture Outlet, but rather Unidentified Flying Objects or and the government likes to say now, Unidentified Aerial Objects. One can only suppose the objective is to erase the UFO term. The problem with that is, the cat is out of the box and tens of thousands of people around the world have seen UFOs. Those people will never forget the term UFO.

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