Saturday, March 7, 2020

Parallel Universes and Dimensions 200307

      I'll try to make this as simple as I can understand it.

      Scientists speculate there could be an infinite number of parallel universes in pockets of an ever expending universe that we are not able to meet.

      For possible evidence we need to consider Quantum mechanics. In Quantum mechanics bits can represent two things at once. Quantum computers (which are in use today) are so much faster than our normal digital computers. The reason is digital computers operate on a series of binary digits (ones and zeros) they take 8 bits to form one single character or one pixel on a screen. The code required for this simple blog requires about 1200 lines of code, plus the dialog and picture that I enter. That means those ones and zeros are switching constantly and switching those bits takes time, fractions of time that we live our daily lives, but large amounts of time for a computer operating even with the faster processors we have today. In a Quantum computer a single bit can represent a one and a zero at the same time. That eliminates all that switching time. A Quantum computer can operate 100 million times faster than a digital computer. That sounds great, but there's a problem for us normal users. A quantum computer has to operate under a cooling system. That is currently -450 degrees Fahrenheit, nearly what is considered absolute zero temperature. Well beyond where our refrigerator freezer operates at zero degrees. And well you wouldn't want to sit in a freezer to check on Facebook. Google is promising a Quantum computer for office use in 5 years, so IBM has claimed they will do it in 1 year, but don't hold your breath waiting for that.

      The fact of Quantum mechanics leads to the possibility that because of those mechanics there is the possibility of all these multiple universes or dimensions. There could be thousands of you or millions of you in different dimensions. The you in another dimension may or may not act like you. A simple explanation of this is in this example: The you in this dimension gets on a plane for Europe and you land there, while the you in another dimension gets on the same plane there but the other you gets off the plane in New York.

      We were taught that our universe consists of matter and energy, but now scientists know there is another element called dark matter. They know little about it, can't see it, but they know it is there in as much volume of dark matter as what we know of matter.

      What I have presented thus far in this post causes me to believe something in one UFO theory, being that extra-terrestrials may be traveling here through these parallel dimensions. Einstein theorized that the past present and future all exist at the same time. That would be true for all dimensions. So our parallel dimensions allow extra-terrestrials that may be a thousand years ahead of us have the technology to figure out how to transit the dimensions and time itself. For all purposes they may be us in another thousand years.

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