Thursday, February 13, 2020

Be my Valentine 200213

      What better time to wax poetic to one's love than Valentine's day?

I picked someone, to share my life,
I picked you Joyce, to be my wife.

A life is but a dot, a tiny mark in time,
To experience that dot with you, truly is sublime.

When I live my life again,
When I live another ten,

I will experience, the same joy then.
When I live my life, with you again.

When this life is over, and I’ve the next to tend.
I’ll pick another life to live, with you there until its end.

Each lifetime that I live, from now ‘til eternity,
There’ll be a connection in that life, between you, and me.

I’ll shower you with love, from beginning till the end.
I’ll cascade you with petals, of roses I will send.

Each life we live together will be better than the last.
We’ll look forward to the next one, never to the past.

And if our time together, would ever come to end,
My heart would fall to pieces, never would it mend.

But for now my sweet, this sonnet I must end.
With each word that’s written here, my love to you I send.

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