Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Way back in a special time, long ago and far away. 200114

      This post will perhaps be more appreciated by those of us who worked many years together at Litton. The maintenance man stories were popular during the days of his fantastic adventures,

      Perhaps it all started when his first came was made by grandma Mickey. That cape seemed to give maintenance man some awesome powers, the cape and grandma's sending delicious pork products such as grilled bacon and barbecue shredded pork.

      Of course every hero has a sidekick or an apprentice. This picture has maintenance man and his apprentice up on the roof.

      Maintenance man gained his powers and was a big help to the then current president.

      There came a time when maintenance man had to accomplish his superhuman good deeds not only in the daytime, but at night. A lot of bad guys sleep in daytime and do their misdeeds at night. His flashing blue cape was a detriment after dark, so maintenance man needed a stealth cape. Grandma Mickey got the call and went to work immediately, knowing the danger a flashy cape could put maintenance man into during night operations. She hand made his black cape as quickly as she could.

      Grandma's cape arrived in time for maintenance man to assist another president in his time of need. You may recognize him in the picture below.

      Of course maintenance man, being the man he is, decided to thank grandma in person at a local dining establishment. He was a huge hit with grandma; she fell in love for the second time in her life when she met Maintenance Man. The staff at the restaurant were also enthralled with the caped crusader.

      The picture below is maintenance man on patrol in halls of Litton.

      This shot is maintenance man with the editor of his adventure tales.

      The picture below was from one of maintenance man's most dangerous operations when his apprentice was captured and disappeared for a period of time. Those many days were filled with apprehension from everyone at the factory, wondering if they would ever see the apprentice's smiling face again. Prayers and vigils were held in the hopes the apprentice would be saved and unharmed.

      Times change and things happen beyond even the awesome powers of our hero maintenance man. The factory went into total shutdown and our hero ended up with no more factory and people to protect. He fell upon hard times for a bit.

      Of course all good stories come to a good ending and maintenance man bounced back and has had a wonderful life as did his apprentice. They are both loving grandpa's at this point.

      One final thing here; one very special Christmas, maintenance man presented his bard with a one of a kind desktop statue of him in his stealth cape. This bard misplaced the statue during his monster downsizing move some 4 years ago, but just this weekend his daughter found it with the tons of things she took with her during the bard's big downsizing. The statue once again has its place prominently upon the bard's writing desk. I can only hope that you the reader enjoyed this pictorial as much as the bard did creating it.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2026 and beyond.

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