Friday, January 31, 2020

UFO's Fact or Fiction?

      I have seen enough evidence that UFO's do exist, maybe you do not think so and that is fine with me. The picture below was taken through a window at a US Coast Guard lab in Salem, Massachusetts during 1952.

      This picture below looks authentic to me. I cannot be sure, nor can I say it looks phony.

      This is an article on Wikipedia. US navy incident aircraft carrier Nimitz and cruiser Princeton.

      This is a video from 2004. A US navy video taken from the infrared gun camera of an FA-18 off the coast of California.

      There is the video on Netflix and one available on UTUBE Unacknowledged it is as convincing as anything I have seen or read to prove the existence of UFO's. The video has high ranking government officials and military men speaking about what they have seen and experienced in real time situations up to 2001.

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