Saturday, January 11, 2020

56 Years ago a wonderful thing happened 200111

       That wonderful thing was Joyce marrying me. Below is a timeline of Joyce pictures that I could not resist showing.

      This is Joyce's father holding her.

      Joyce is on the right side of this picture.

Joyce before I met her.

Joyce about a month after I met her.

Joyce after we were married.

Joyce pregnant with our daughter.

Joyce at the San Diego airport in the eighties.

Joyce holding Rosalie, her great, great niece last summer.

      Today is a day I celebrate with gusto, for today I have been married to the most wonderful, most beautiful woman I have ever met for 56 years. There's never been another one like her in my lifetime. She has been with me at my side through thick and thin and always supported me with all my crazy ideas and plans. She is kind to everyone and never thinks of herself first.

      I can't imagine how my life would have been without her, nor do I want to do so. I cannot remember how many times someone had told me that I married way up above my level. I know that is a true statement, so it does not bother me to hear that.

      I was thinking a day ago about Joyce's father's ship being sunk on Christmas day during a battle in the south pacific in 1943. Only 108 men survived out of 300. It was terrible to think about. Later I realized had his ship not been sunk and he surviving, he would not have been sent back to the U.S. and had duty doing transits of LST ships from Ohio down the Mississippi river to New Orleans. Those LSTs stopped overnight in our home town. He had liberty on those stops and he met Joyce's mother there. Had that ship not sunk, there would be no Joyce and I cannot imagine where I would be today or who I may have been married to, though a few undesirables do come to mind.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2026 and beyond.

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