Saturday, December 21, 2019

Telepathic Communication

      I believe there will be a time in the not too distant future when we humans communicate without speaking, but with thought waves.

      If this sounds ridiculous to you, hear me out. There are people today who can do this with other people. They are generally familiar with those they transmit thoughts with, but not always. Joyce and I know each others thinking and facial expressions and can usually tell what each other will say. We are not tremendously intelligent, just average brains, but we can sense each other's moods and what will be said in a conversation.

      Brains work with electric impulses and electrical impulses send out electro-magnetic energy. It stands to reason that energy can induce electrical impulses in another person's brain and that person will know what we are thinking and going to say. The only hindrance is the fact that a brain generally only processes one thing at a time for most people. Many people in conversation do not really listen and feel that energy from whomever they are with because they are concentrating on what they are going to say next. I believe if we really listen or rather focus on the one we are with, it becomes easier to predict what that person is thinking and will say.

      In the future, people's brains will grow larger and create ever stronger thought processes which will increase the energy they transmit and make it easier to read another's mind and know their true thoughts. Right now we are more visual in nature. We watch other people's expressions and their countenance to tell us a lot about them. We can tell by another's glare if they are angry at us. We can tell by their eyes if they are interested in us. We see their body language and know if they are a threat to us. The time will come when we read one's mind and know beyond a doubt how they feel and what they intend to do.

      If this sounds creepy, in some cases it is. When your manager calls you into the office, you will know what he/she is thinking and what will be your dressing down. By the same token your manager will also know that you are sitting there thinking what an asshole he/she is. The bright side of this is in romance. Guys will not have to wonder if they will be rejected as they approach a girl. Girls will not have to put you guys in an awkward position by asking if you think her outfit looks okay. They will also know if your thinking is a one night stand or if you are really interested in her. One last thing in the future, people who are perpetual liars and cheats will be in a world of hurt because everyone will know the truth about them.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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