Saturday, December 14, 2019

Santa Fell off the Wagon 191214

      This is a story about Santa's dark side.


Poor Santa is sometimes under a lot of pressure and this year he fell off the Wagon

Santa was getting ready for his annual trip
Feeling stressed, he pulled out his flask for a little nip
Winter up north gets mighty cold
And Santa of course was very old
High winds and extra heavy snow
Old Santa couldn’t see where to go
He sat in his sled just shivering
Losing time needed for delivering
He waited and had a few sips more
So many so he passed out on the floor
Misses Claus went out to see what was the matter
She let out such a roar Santa’s eardrums did shatter
She shouted, “Of all nights for you to get drunk,
You rotten old sot, you low down skunk,
One day a year, more important than all,
And off the wagon you fall.
I can’t drive this sleigh. I don’t have a clue;
So now what am I supposed to do?”
Santa thought, then said, “Call old sailor Bill.”
When I answered the call, I felt quite a thrill.
Santa had said, “Bill’s weathered many a storm
From icy seas to typhoons, without any harm
Sailor Bill can navigate his way
He’s the one to save Christmas Day.”
I climbed aboard my mighty jet
To the North Pole my course I set
The jet’s skids set down before midnight
In plenty of time to take Santa’s flight
Santa cried out, “Another round of cheer,
This will save the day; sailor Bill is here!”
We popped off the tops off a couple of cold brews,
While Santa filled me in on the latest news
We filled the sleigh with wonderful toys
For all the good little girls and boys
We filled the trailer with buckets of coal
For bad men, that had greed as their goal
We ran out of beer and turned to moonshine
That put fire in our bellies and made us feel fine
By two in the morning, Santa and I had a full load
It was time to hitch up the reindeer and hit the road
The reindeer were a might bit wary
The weather was, I admit, a bit scary
Santa and I had one more for the road
As I said before I was packing a full load
I fed the deer some marijuana to calm them down
Then lit myself a pipe full and we were outward bound
Above the snow clouds, the stars were strangely bright
As we set about our work that night
North American radar picked us up mid-ride
Soon there were two F-16s by our side
The pilots blinked and could not believe their eyes
When they saw old sailor Bill 5000 feet up in the skies
I hit the reindeer brake and they shot on by
Meanwhile I had dropped from the sky
I had plenty of stops to deliver toys
I didn’t have time for those Air Force boys
I finished my mission just before daylight
Headed back to the pole and saw quite a sight
Old Santa was hung over in spite of himself
That day he was not a jolly old elf
I heard him shout as I sped out of sight
“Come back sailor Bill, I’m ready to fight!”

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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