Saturday, November 30, 2019

Young Marriage 191130

      Everyone said this marriage would not last.

      When I met Joyce we were on our second date when I realized she was the one and I had to marry her before it was too late.

      Joyce and I got married when I had been in the navy for just 4 months. I was making $75 a month. By being married and living off base I got almost $100 more. We lived in a furnished efficiency apartment for $40 a month. We had no car, no phone, no TV no record player, nothing but a radio my parents gave us. The cost of living in those days was minuscule compared to today or we could not have survived. My tiny paychecks had to stretch. When I was transferred to Guam at the same pay rate I got a notice from the disbursing office that during my time in our first months of marriage I was overpaid. There was no explanation, that was it. For the next month and a half my paychecks were one cent. Try living on that.

      Later when we moved to San Diego for my duty at North Island and the subsequent cruises that left from there I was only making $100 a month along with Joyce's marriage allotment so we had to budget $20 a week for groceries. Back then I could keep a running total of everything we put in our shopping cart and when we hit $20 we had to decide what to put back if there was something else we needed more.

      So far the marriage has only lasted 55 years. There is more time and should our marriage end because of one of us passing on, it would never have lasted long enough.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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