Friday, September 27, 2019

Universal Consciousness 2 190927

      I have written about this before, but I think it is ever more important to review the subject.

      Radio waves arrive to our homes at micro-volt (one millionth of one volt) levels and yet we detect them and watch them on TV or listen to them on radio. Now consider this, our brain works on tiny electrical charges connecting synapses inside our brain. Every thought creates electrical energy. That energy, I believe goes out into the ether and is there for a day, a year, or as I believe forever. Every thought ever created is out there somewhere.

      That said, I am not a believer in coincidence. However, yesterday I received 3 calls from people close to me. The calls were asking about how I felt at the moment and when I was going to have my next surgical procedure. Those calls were from people who care about me, my health and were tuned in to my thoughts which were constantly moiling over in my brain at the time. You may think I am crazy or silly and that's okay with me, but I believe there is something to my hypothesis on the electrical waves we transmit into the cosmos and those in tune with us can decipher thoughts from many miles away.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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