Sunday, September 8, 2019

Thinking Again 190908

      Sometimes I do a little philosophical thinking, today is one such day.

      Life's great as long as you have it. Our lifetimes on earth are a speck in comparison to the universe. These days we never know how long our life will be with all the car accidents and shooting going on that can end lives before their time or is it their time?
      I am reminded of an old Buddhist story about a monk's dream. The story goes like this, last night I had a dream I was a butterfly flitting about. When I awakened I wondered if I was a man dreaming I was a butterfly or am I a butterfly dreaming I was a man?
      It is funny how perception works. You can be an excellent employee, but if your immediate supervisor doesn't recognize that fact or he/she just doesn't like you, you go nowhere and have to worry about holding your job. I often wonder if what we perceive our life is may not even be real. I watched the first Matrix movie about how life was just a computer program convincing humans they were something they were not. Their whole perception was a fraud. The movie was set in 1999 and it was scary for me to consider.
      Now it is 2019 and computer programs control robots and even things in our lives and many of us don't realize how deep that goes. I have to wonder if robots know they are just a machine controlled by a computer program? I also wonder how many of us know how much our lives are driven by computer algorithms?
      The first basic algorithm goes back to Babylonian times in the 9th century. Now they are so advanced and hidden in computer programs we don't even know how much they control our lives.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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