Saturday, September 14, 2019

Artificial Intelligence 190914

      If reading this post scares you, welcome to my world.

      Some people believe artificial intelligence will result in the end of the human race. At first and maybe now I'm not sure. The intelligent robots might think or realize we humans are no more than a mere distraction not necessary for their survival and then decide to just eliminate us. I am thinking maybe because we created them with our intelligence, they may be more human thinking than we know, or maybe not.

      I know there was recently a situation when Facebook created two AI controllers and let them go with no oversight and within 2 days they decided English language was too cumbersome, so they just created their own language which none of the Facebook engineers could not understand. Luckily the engineers could shut them down and abandoned the project. It could be the next time the Facebook engineers may not be so lucky. This story is disputed by many sources and I could not get the correct answer, perhaps because disclaimers do not have a good argument and Facebook hasn't responded with a yes or no answer.

      Could we be facing a a world where humans become subservient to the commands of robots? I or no one else knows the answer the question. The fact is that artificial intelligence will continue to develop and there is nothing anyone outside the software community has an idea and I seriously doubt software programmers know either. It is their job to keep developing their craft and we don't have any control over what they do. We humans have an uncontrollable thirst for ever new apps on our computers and the developers are responding with artificially intelligent systems.

      Google's artificial intelligence creators have now developed an AI that is now creating its own AI. Things are rapidly getting out of hand and beyond human control. We can only hope for the best at this point, God help us.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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