Thursday, September 19, 2019

A story about an old man 190919

      Things can happen when we get into a hurry.

      An old man got up in the middle of the night
      His bladder signaled he must take flight
      He tripped along the way
      On the floor he did stay
      He grimaced in pain
      His rush was in vain
      His pants he did soak
      His hip he had broke
      An ambulance took him away
      He was in surgery later that day
      The operation seemed to go well
      It was in fact too soon to tell
      For the patient just faded away
      Gone to heaven the very next day
      If there's a moral here
      Let me be very clear
      It's better to moisten your pants
      Than to end up on the floor
      Then to be carried out the door
      End up on a surgical table
      Like the old man in this fable
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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